Friday, August 29, 2008

Still in Senegal

We are still in Senegal and this has been delayed again. We should leave the hotel at 2am local and not 9pm. The flight is scheduled to leave at 7am local get us to South Africa at 6pm South Africa on Saturday.
Our internet phone is not working so well and we need someone from ADBC staff to call VIP travel and tours 1-850-878-4657 to let them know of our delay. Our reservation code is JSMUUP. So far, we have gotten some extra rest but we are a little restless. Keep praying!!!



Mark said...

I made the call and will stay in touch with them and you as things unfold. I am praying for you.
Mark Partin

what-to-do said...

Mark, I am praying for the team as well as the situation. Everything will work out. God's got it!
sharon sisson

Tricia said...


I received two text messages today. The laptop has been displaying a virus alert the past three days, so it has been hard to do anything on it.

I hope the kinks are getting smoothed out of your arrival in Botswana.

Dylan had a super game this morning. He played three of the four quarters and received a best player award! He didn't score any goals but he kicked butt on defense.

It is hot here today. Tell me the time difference between us. Like right now it is 3:45 on Saturday. So, what time and day is it there?

Take care and know that we love you and I am praying for safety and focus of mission.

Lots of love,
