Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Prayers for our Families

As we draw closer to the day of departure and the beginning of our journey to Old Naledi, I want to ask you to lift my family in your prayers. School just started and this is only Tricia's 2nd year teaching 1st grade. While it is SO MUCH easier than last year, I can see tension and anxiety in her eyes. Please pray for smooth classroom time and at home while I am away. I am going to miss a few soccer games and flag football games for Miles and Dylan but they both have been so encouraging for me. Miles had his kid's church group praying for our mission trip last week! Talk about awesome! Dylan is a little worried the man-eating ants are going to get us (if you saw the last Indiana Jones movie you will understand his fears); but, I have assured him that is a lot of Hollywood and not really true (I hope :-) ). So, just remember to include our families who will be missing us while we are in Africa ministering and building the relationships with our new friends.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday morning, bright and early. I encourage you to write on the blog if you have family members you would like us to remember and lift in prayer. It's always harder on the ones we have to leave and they will need God's comfort and protection just like us!

See ya!


Anonymous said...

I will be praying for your family Mark. Please pray for mine. My husband Tommy is taking time off the whole time to be with my kids.

My youngest daughter seems to be like one of your children. She watches a lot of the Animal Planet and thinks that we are going to see a lot of African King Cobras, Lions, and big bugs everyday.

Right now my youngest two children, Kyle and Lindsey are sick. Fevers, couch, sore throat, etc. Please pray for them. Also please pray for Tommy AND pray that I don't get what they have. I REALLY don't want to bring this virus to Africa with us. That wouldn't be a nice gift to bring.

Looking forward to Thursday!

Susan and John said...

Checking to see if I can do this blogging...