Monday, June 22, 2009

afriCANTics day 2

we hiked up mount kgale today... there was some great views that could only be experienced by completing the hike. it makes me wonder how often we sacrifice getting a chance to see the big picture because we are content with the little pictures. what happens if God's intentions is for us to see the whole picture all along? the hike was a great opening to the day.. challenging and difficult but rewarding.

alright well along with this great experience came just a few more funny moments...

1. on the trek up to kgale today we meet some mormans on their mission... they passed us (we were very slow)... on the way up one of our team members said "when we get to the top can we push the mormans off????... yeah then we can say then you lose.........TWICE!!

2. the above mentioned mormans attempted to convert erica using a morman tract.... erica politley responded "um....i cant read!"

3. those same mormans mentioned in 1 and 2 put the same tract at the top of mount kgale. as our eyes caught the tract our instincts said "get that out of here!" so nathan gladly balled up the tract and threw it off the mountain!

4. kim's love for lions is become evident on this trip.... she expects to see them everywhere we go but her appreciation for safety is much greater. on her hike up kgale she stated "ive noticed botswana is really really safe.... i still havent noticed any lions..

5. tregea died part of her hair pink before the trip... has anyone noticed it yet...... no.....except THE MORMANS!


Freedom Fellowship serving in Haiti said...

Glad you finally made it to the top of Kgale! You can now join our little club of real Naledi men (it was just myself and Scott -) so now we have someone else be the Sgt at Arms). Sounds like you are enjoying the trip and glad to NOT read about any long stops in Senegal. Tell my brothers and sisters in Old Naledi that I pray for them and look forward to working alongside them again in August.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nathan for another awesome update. It sounds like you all had a great start of the morning on your hike. Leave it to the Mormons to notice Tregea's hair. Did you ask them how many wives they are going to have?

Have a great day.

Kim Wright