Wednesday, June 24, 2009

day 4

today was a great lesson in flexibility!!! the original plan was to unload the luggage and paint part of the church and we would cook dinner for them and serve them... maruti james' son was sick and maruti was with him for the better part of the morning- meaning we did not have room for the luggage to be transported to the church....
so- while some of the team went to get food for dinner, the rest stayed to paint (which really means smear 'vanilla pudding' on the side of a building) and "garden" (which really means move "dirt" aka 'african concrete' from one spot to another)...
the painting /gardening teamswere finished 2 hours before the shoppers returned back to the church...
then off to the feeding station- we found out 5 mins before we were up... that we were giving a Bible story of Jonah and the whale.... our group did a great job and even acted out the story!!! the kids have requested a story every day that we are here, they loved it so much!!!
for dinner, we had steak, potatoes, mushrooms and onions, corn on the cob, and cake for dessert (and erica's birthday)... all was great!!!! except the steak which was not as tender as we had hoped, but had great flavor!!!!
God is continuing to teach our group something special!!! we continue to see God in the middle of the 'ordinary!'
thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nathan for another wonderful update! It is wonderful to hear all about the team's trip.

I will be praying for healing for Moruti James' son.

I will continue to be praying for the team and everyone in Old Naledi.

Kim wright