Friday, October 3, 2008

Remembering What The Trip Was About

I have this picture in mind alot lately. It is one Jennifer took on our first day. It tells the story of a little girl who needed air in her soccer ball. We offered a new one and took her old one away. In our eyes it was old, tatered and should have been discarded long time ago. That was not what she wanted or needed. She needed air for her soccer ball and was displeased we had taken her soccer ball away. We offered her both her old one newly filled with air and a new one with air. She gladly gave back the new one and went back to playing with her now filled, firm and bouncing soccer ball. In our eyes we thought she needed something else. We moved to far ahead of her needs and plan. Once we gave her what she really needed, she was happy and we were deeply moved.
We came to Africa to connect and engage with the people of Old Neladi. We can't change everything that we saw to the potential how we know things can be in the states. We can offer the hands of Jesus and give them a little air. This gives them joy and we can celebrate in their joy. What a precious gift they have given me, humbleness.

Scott Shipes


Freedom Fellowship serving in Haiti said...

Wow! Scott, thanks for the reminder. I had a dream about the church and what we are doing there last night. Nice to see affirmation this morning. God is Great and Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Scott for sharing. This picture says so much! I appreciate you blogging and letting us all know what you are thinking.

The church DOES look fantastic!